Tutor dan Media Sosial, Penting Ke?




Media sosial adalah satu medium yang sangat penting, sangat mudah dan sangat fleksibel pada zaman ini, terutamanya pada era pandemik yang kita alami sekarang. Rangkaian media sosial ini sangat besar hingga meliputi satu dunia. Malah sehingga satu tahap, bagi sesiapa yang tidak mempunyai akaun media sosial, mereka akan ketinggalan.


Kita sebagai seorang tutor perlu meng‘expose’kan diri kita kerana dari situlah kita akan dikenali dan orang ramai akan mengetahui servis apa yang kita lakukan. Jika kita tidak melakukan hal tersebut, berkemungkinan masyarakat di luar sana tidak kenal kita dan kita tidak mendapat ‘trust’ kepercayaan daripada bakal pelajar .


Remaja sekarang sudah banyak di media sosial, dan kita sebagai tutor perlu bertapak di sana bagi menarik perhatian bakal-bakal pelajar kita. Antara perkara yang kita  boleh ‘share’ sebagai permulaan ialah video kita sedang mengajar. Dari situ pelajar mengetahui apakah subjek yang kita kendalikan. Bagi tutor yang masih malu untuk memaparkan wajah anda di media sosial, inilah masanya untuk anda memecahkan tembok yang ada di dalam diri anda dan keluar dari zon selesa.

Antara sebab pentingnya media sosial:

1) Bina ‘trust’


2) Bina ‘networking’


3) Tingkatkan ‘personal branding’


Nak tahu banyak lagi tentang betapa pentingnya media sosial bagi tutor? Boleh lihat Di sini


Stress Mengajar Secara Online? STOP! Anda Perlu Punya Kemahiran Kendalikan Kelas Online.

Pelajar tidak memberi respon sewaktu kelas berlangsung. Paling sedih, apabila kelas diadakan, pelajar tidak muncul.

Perasaan Pendidik pastinya remuk mengenangkan betapa semangatnya beliau demi mencurahkan ilmu kepada pelajarnya. Namun, hanya dibawa angin lalu.

Pelajar fasa pandemik adalah pelajar yang telah di digitalkan (norma baharu). Jadi, cara mengendalikan pelajar juga sudah berubah. Biasanya secara offline, namun kali ini secara online dalam jangka masa yang lama.

Banyak perubahan yang perlu dihadapi oleh pelajar dan pendidik. Tidak ketinggalan juga ibu bapa pelajar.

Belajar secara online mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan tersendiri. Namun, masihkah kita mahu melihat pada kekurangan dan biarkan anak didik ketinggalan?

Pada saat ini, kelebihannya telah mengatasi kekurangan. Saya amat yakin pada ketika ini pengajaran secara online sudah tidak terasa berat seperti permulaan pelaksanaannya.

Bagaimana dengan penglibatan pelajar anda semasa kelas online? Adakah:

Tutup kamera?

Tiada respon apabila di ajukan soalan? Krik krik~~

Tidak fokus?

Lain yang ditanya, lain yang di jawab?

Contoh soalan matematik asas bagi pelajar SPM:


Dijawabnya baby cikgu. Pelajar ini bayangkan subjek biologi. Tangan ligat main game dalam talian. Kamera belajar ditutup dengan alasan masalah kamera.

Jadi, stres ke tu? Berapa banyak perkataan adoi yang dah terlafaz tu? Situasinya seperti ini. Klik pada gambar.

Pelajar Boring, Tutor Stres.


Bertabahlah wahai pendidik, usaha anda amatlah di hargai. Apa kata anda mulakan dengan mengkaji punca terjadinya perkara ini.

Adakah pelajar anda  tidak teruja untuk hadir kelas anda dan kenapa?

Tukarkan kenapa kepada bagaimana cara untuk mengatasinya. Belajar secara online sangat berbeza dengan belajar secara offline.

Elemen ‘funtastic’ sangat penting. Lebihkan pujian dalam sesi pembelajaran. Pelajar pastinya teruja dengan adanya elemen seperti ini.

Lihat gambar dibawah:

Kelas Online Kimia Bersama Cikgu Ruzanna


Kelas Online Biology Bersama Cikgu Zanna


Kelas Online Sains Bersama Teacher Zy


Kelas Online Bahasa Melayu Bersama Cikgu Muna

Pelaksanaan kelas secara online dengan adanya peralatan atau bahan pembelajaran di tangan seperti kelas biasa amatlah di galakkan. Pelajar pastinya seronok untuk menyertai kelas itu.

Tahap penerimaan pelajar tidak sama apabila belajar secara online. Tarikan di sekeliling mereka lebih banyak berbanding belajar secara online.

Tindakan pendidik pada waktu ini ialah berusaha untuk buat mereka tetap fokus pada skrin dan perhatian pelajar tidak berganjak.

Persoalannya bagaimana? Buntu? Perlukan bantuan yang lebih dalam mengendalikan kelas secara online? Jom selami caranya dengan Simposium Tutor Profesional 2020.

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The Potential of Tutoring Business in Malaysia and Asia

Education is a vital part of the family budget – a large proportion of households are savings specifically to support their family’s educational needs

Private tutoring is becoming a common phenomenon in Malaysia. In line with the work of Bray (1999), private tutoring is here defined as supplementary instruction outside the formal schooling system, and where a tutor teaches academic subjects for a fee.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, in 2013 there were 3,107 registered private tutoring centers in Malaysia, with 3.2 percent of the total number of (primary and secondary) students enrolled and 11,967 teachers (MOE, 2013).

However, official statistics are not available on those involved in tutoring services outside registered premises.

According to a survey on education and tuition, parents paid RM80 on average a month for each child. Determined to give their children every advantage, roughly two in three Malaysians with schoolgoing children pay for extra coaching…

Some 1,029 people were polled in the survey commissioned by the New Straits Times. Half had schoolgoing children. And two-thirds with schoolgoing children paid RM80 on average a month. When the finding is extrapolated on a national level, it indicates that as much as RM360 million is spent a month on tuition, or RM4.3 billion a year.

Two thirds of households in Asia/Pacific are spending on enrichment classes for their children such as academic tuition, learning a foreign language and public speaking on top of regular school fees, according to MasterCard’s latest survey on Consumer Purchasing Priorities – Education.

More than half of parents in India (54%), Taiwan (52%) and Thailand (52%) are spending on extra tuition classes for their children, closely followed by Malaysia (46%), Singapore (45%) and Bangladesh (45%). Chinese (53%) and Korean (50%) households were more inclined towards foreign language classes. More than 50% of respondents from Hong Kong preferred their children to learn a musical instrument.

Previously, the idea catered to weaker students who needed extra help, but today, tuition classes have become the norm in a society where education is highly competitive and parents are no longer satisfied with relying on school teachers.

However, tuition classes don’t come cheap, especially when there are many subjects, but parents are still willing to pay tidy sums for it.

Many feel that a private tutor is capable of providing that extra push when needed because school teachers have too many classes and too little time for individual attention. Especially when it is a year for major examinations. Burdened by large classes, individual attention is an extremely rare commodity in schools.
Read more at here.

With limited space in good tertiary education institutions and scholarships; parents want their child to stay academically competitive. Some say they have no faith in the education system here with the general consensus being that it is not up to par to other countries.

Furthermore, for many parents, scoring A’s take paramount consideration over any other achievement and they thus strive to push their children into the path of academic excellence.

Customer satisfaction a top priority

However, many parents feel that the money is well spent. They can see improvements in their children’s grades. And the reasons for this aren’t difficult to understand. The fact is, tutors care about their performance in tuition classes.

Like all other service-oriented businesses, tuition is an industry where customer satisfaction always come first. If the tutor or the tuition center is not performing as expected, students will simply shift to another provider.

Competition abounds. Tuition centers engage in many promotional tactics to retain and increase enrolment. Discounts on fees are given for early registration, leaflets are widely distributed, free seminars and previews are held etc.

Even the personal tutors who operate from their homes are not exceptional in this respect. Many of them provide discounts to ‘old’ students who re-enroll. Students from the surrounding neighbourhoods are also chauffeured to and from the tuition classes by the tutors.

As an extra convenience to the parents, some of the home tutors also provide child-minding services as well!

Teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of private tutoring in Malaysia

The findings of this study show that teachers consider themselves as positively contributing to students’ learning. In addition, mainstream schoolteachers are willing to supervise students who need extra coaching. Teachers also perceive that students are willing to approach them when they encounter difficulties.

The findings of this research imply that the frequency of tutoring does not mean that society does not trust schooling.

Students are still willing to ask their teachers, and teachers are willing to help their students. But teachers consider tutoring as a supplement to mainstream schooling that can help students to excel in the examinations.


Resource: Professional Tutor